UNIT 9, Period 9, 1980-Present

Below you will find the 2014-2015 collection of writing activities I wrote for the development of historical writing skills as outlined in the 2014 version of the College Board APUSH framework. The goal of this set is to enable teachers and students to better learn and master the skills necessary for success on the AP exam. These activities are shared for educational purposes. To simplify the page, the activities are posted as numbers instead of titled documents. The majority of my strategies were inspired by those developed by John P. Irish. I highly recommend his workbook for historical writing skills, as they have enabled me to improve my teaching strategies and quality of lesson planning. It is available on Amazon.com. Updated activities will be posted as I amend them to better match the 2015 College Board revisions to the framework. As new items are added, I will update those interested by posting to the Fight Fiercely APUSH Facebook page.  (The above link has tips for using these activities.)

UNIT 3, Period 4 , 1800-1848


UNIT 4, Period 5 , 1844-1877

"I not only use all the brains that I have, but all I can borrow." --Woodrow Wilson

2015 - 2016 Versions

2016 - 2017 Versions

Due to being reassigned to AP Macroeconomics, I have been unable to revise activities as much as I would like. I do have a few updated, however. I hope to have more revisions next year.


2018 Updates

UNIT 6 and 7, Period 7, 1898-1945

UNIT 2, Periods 3 , 1754-1800

UNIT 8, Period 8 , 1845-1980

NEW FOR 2020

UNIT 5, Period 6 , 1865-1898

Because the vast majority of the activities have been effective, I have not created a new set for 2017.   The only thing I recommend that you change is moving the contextualization to the introduction and removing any mention of the thesis from the synthesis paragraph (conclusion).  If a student mentions their thesis in their synthesis paragraph, they will not earn the synthesis point.  I have, however, updated my writing guidelines.

UNIT 1-9 Review Materials

UNIT 1, Periods 1 and 2, 1491-1754
